
Monday, May 20, 2013

30 Day Challenge | Goodbye my beloved flat iron and hello curls!!!

My hair is naturally curly.  As a child growing up I embraced my curls and was content with my hair and all was right with the world.  Then entered adolescents and I wanted to look like my friends...they had straight hair and I though it was beautiful.  I wanted my hair to look like theirs.  Luckily for me, my mother refused to let me get a relaxer however she was not opposed to me having my hair straightened by my soon to be new best friend, the pressing comb.  The process of washing, blow drying, and pressing my hair soon became the norm.  So after years and years of heat abuse, my hair was severely heat damaged and very unhealthy.  I knew something needed to change but what?  Should I cut off all my hair and just start all over?  I just didn't know what to do.

Jess AKA Mahogany Curls
Then last year, I started adopting a healthier lifestyle which included being active regularly and the hair issue resurfaced once again.  When I work out I sweat on my head and that means by the end of my workout I'm rocking a curly afro (and no, it's not like those cute ones you see in a magazine).  Still not know what to do with this hair of mine I decided to consult with my best friend YouTube to see what I could find on curly hair.

Then I found Mahogany Curls YouTube channel!  When I saw her videos, it was LOVE at first sight.  I enjoyed how she talked about the products that she used and showed me step by step her process.  She was following the Curly Girl: The Handbook (I also bought the book) which was developed my stylist Lorraine Massey.  After watching a few of her videos, I thought I would give it a try.  I quickly bought the products and surprisingly I liked the results!

My first try at going curly using the CG (curly girl method)

I wore my hair curly for quite a while and just recently found myself going back to my old ways of blow drying and flat ironing my hair on a regular basis.

(Hey old habits are hard to break!

But that got old quick (the whole flat ironing thing).  So I'm saying good bye to the flat iron and hello to my curls for the next 30 days.  That's right, I am going to try and refrain from applying direct heat to my hair see what effect it has whether positive or negative on my overall hair health.  I thought about trying to do it for an entire year but thinking about NOT doing for something for 365 days seems a bit intimidating and slightly overwhelming but 30 days, well that is something I can do.

30 days with no blow dryer or flat iron, I can do it.   During this journey I will blog about my experiences and all of the products and techniques I've tried.  It should be least that is what I keep telling myself.

If you have been thinking about embracing your inner curly, wavy or kinky girl, then I encourage you to join along!  And remember it's only 30 days!

So let the curls begin!!!

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